Our BuyBack service

Currency leftover after your holidays?

We understand that it's not always easy to know exactly how much travel money you need to take with you to fully enjoy your holidays. With our Buy-Back Guarantee you can travel with a piece of mind, knowing that you can take more money with you to ensure you're covered, even for the unexpected expenses. For only €6.95 you can bring back your leftover currency at the original price and up to 30 days from the date of purchase, and the maximum amount of €1000. 

Benefits of a Buy-Back guarantee

With Buy-Back, you'll never lose a single cent due to the exchange rate fluctuations or pay any additional transaction fees. You will keep the initial exchange rate at which you made the purchase. Please make sure you keep the receipt! 

How does it work?

Add the Buy-Back to your order

Pay €6.95 and take as much money as you wish for your trip.

Bring back your currencies

Bring back your leftover travel money to one of our branches in Cyprus.

Get Euros back

You'll get the same exchange rate as at your initial purchase.